Friday, August 5, 2022

NEW FAMILY/GENEALOGY FINDS . . . . . . . . #25


A Canadian relative took an Ancestry DNA test - the relationship a grandchild of Maria WALSH (1875-1958) and Michael RUDDY (1865-1948).
      See Post #3, 2014 - Cloonleedin Walsh Family, page 6    
Maria and Michael’s son Michael RUDDY (1911-1982) immigrated to Canada, date unknown, and married Celina PERRIER in 1937.  They were the parents of 6.  Michael RUDDY was born Creevaghmore, County Mayo, 4 January 1911.  He died at Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada 10 June 1982 and is buried along with Celina at St. Andrews Catholic Cemetery, Thunder Bay, Ontario.

Another Canadian took a DNA test with  The relationship is again with a grandchild.  Mary Agnes GILROY (1886-1966) married John FORDE (1880-1945).  
     See Post #9, 2015 - Donnelly & Mahady Family
Their daughter Sarah Anne FORDE (1917-2008) married Chester HEADWICK (1910-1984) in Saskatchewan, Canada.  She was known as “Sally” in Canada and was the mother of 7.  Sarah “Sally" and husband Chester are buried at Woodlawn Cemetery, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.  I currently have no knowledge of when or where Sarah arrived in Canada. 

Find A Grave - Woodlawn Cemetery, Saskatchewan, Canada


 A previously unknown son for Hugh WALSH (1832-1921)
     See Post #3, 2014 - Cloonleedin Walsh Family, page 1
In an attempt to find death records of two of the sons of John WALSH & Bridget GARVIN, Martin and John, I searched New York City, New York, U.S. Historical Vital Records.  Serendipity I discovered John WALSH born 1866 Ireland, parents Hugh WALSH & Bridget HERBERT. The New York City birth, death and marriage records have been digitized recently and are available at:    Fortunately the death records include the names of parents. was searched for the 1900-1920 U.S. census and New York State marriage index to fill in the life of John WALSH.  John was born February 1866 in County Mayo and died 12 April 1911 in Bronx, New York City, New York, U.S.  John married Bridget McDERBY 15 October 1893 Kings County, New York City, New York, U.S.  Bridget was born January 1864 in Ireland and died 15 December 1923, Bronx, New York.  They are buried at Calvary Cemetery, Woodside, Queens, New York, U.S.  John and Bridget were the parents of six children born approximately the following years - Annie 1896, Eugene 1897, Anastasia 1899, John 1901, Mary 1904, and James 1906.

The New York City Municipal Archives        

John WALSH & Bridget McDERBY were married 15 October 1893 in Brooklyn, New York, U.S.   

    The New York City Municipal Archives            

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Wednesday, September 22, 2021

OLD AGE PENSIONS ACT of 1908 . . . . . . . . . . .#24

                      Discoveries in the Irish Old Age Pension Records

In 1909 Old Age Pensions was enacted in Ireland, England, Wales and Scotland for persons who were 70 years old, “of good character”, with an income of less than £21 a year.  In Ireland this benefited many because of prevalent poverty.  The pension was weekly stipend of 5 shillings for a single person or 7 shillings for a married couple.  The applicant needed to prove their age. Civil registration of births did not begin in Ireland until 1864.  The government declared searches of the 1841 and 1851 census would be acceptable as proof of age.  The applicant had to provide parent names in many cases this included mother’s maiden name, residence at time of the census, and applicant’s age.  The forms were sent to the Public Records Office to process.  The National Archives of Ireland has the Old Age Pension application  records digitized, free of charge, online at:  They are indexed by name of the applicant, parents or parish.  Another free site for these records is Family Search at  - Ireland Census Search Forms, 1841 and 1851.  Their index is every name which includes parents and siblings.

Searches were undertaken for the various “Our Mayo Family” surnames. Less than 50 persons in the Kilfian Parish applied for the Old Age Pension.  PEACE and MAHADY were the only names found of interest.

Margaret PEACE in 1917 of Thos. CLARKE, County Clare applied.  Her parents Daniel PEACE and Margret DIAMOND, residence 1851-Mayo, Tirawley, Kilfian, Belladoon.  The family was found in this census in Belladoon.  Daniel PEACE and Margaret DIAMOND, with children  Mary 14, Jude 12, Honora 10, Margt 4, Catherine 1.

Margaret PEACE  was born ca 1847 in County Mayo.  Her father Daniel PEACE was the brother of Mary PEACE, the wife of Martin WALSH.  27 January 1870 Margaret married Thomas CLARKE in Kilfine.  Her mother Margaret died 5 November 1891 and Daniel her father died 10 December 1868 both in Kilfine.  Margaret and Thomas CLARKE were the parents of 7 - Daniel, John, Patrick, Francis, Michael, Ann, and Thomas.  They were living in Belladoan, Mayo in the 1901 and 1911 census.  Thomas CLARKE died there in 1904.  When Margaret applied for the Old Age Pension in 1917 she was living in County Clare with her son Thomas CLARKE.  Margaret PEACE CLARKE died 5 October 1923 in Ballyduane, Mayo.


MAHADY - The relationship to the following Mahady is unknown.  There are few of this surname in Mayo. 

Michael MAHADY applied in 1917, residence-Mayo, Ballycastle, Kilbride, parents John MAHADY and Mary LAVELLE, residence in 1851-Mayo, Tieawley, Lackan, Knockroe.  The family was found in Knockroe - John and Mary Mahady married 1840 with children Mary 9, John 7, Martin 5, Michl 3, Kitty 1 in Knockroe, Mayo.

Michael MAHADY born ca1848, married Margaret KEANE in 1892 in Ballycastle, Mayo.  In the 1901 and 1911 census they are in Mayo, Lackan North, Kilbride with their family of 6 - Patrick, John, Martin, Patrick, Kate, Sarah.


The Irish census for 1821, 1831, 1841, and 1851 were destroyed 30 June 1922 in a fire at the Public Record Office in Dublin at the beginning of the Irish Civil War.


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Monday, August 23, 2021

GARVIN/KENNEDY Marriage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #23

                              Who was the wife of Anthony GARVIN?

                                                  Was she Bessy KENNEDY?

Anthony GARVIN (1804-1885) and his wife lived in Cartronrathroe, Kilfian, Mayo.  They married before 1845 and were the parents of, at least, four children:  
Bridget (1845-1929), Catherine (1848-1872), Honor/Nora “Onny” (1851-1920), and Thomas (1853-1924).

In the Valuation List 1886 Anthony GARVAN’s name is crossed out to be replaced with Bessy.  Her name was then crossed out and replaced with Thomas GARVIN 1891.  Thomas name remained until ca 1919 replaced with John GARVAN.  Unfortunately there is no death record for a Bessy/Elizabeth GARVIN in the Irish Civil Records 1886-1901 period.  Thomas GARVIN and family including son John were enumerated at Cartronrathroe in the 1901 and 1911 census.  A GARVIN family still lives in Cartronrathroe.

Two descendants reported that Anthony’s wife was a KENNEDY.  At  Ancestry ( - “Ireland, Select Catholic Death Death & Burial Registers, 1767-1992, Kilfian Parish” the death of Thomas GARVIN, son of Anthony was recorded.  These Catholic death records have information not on the civil death registers such as parents or spouse.  Frequently the priest did not fill in all the columns.  The following was found in the Kilfian Catholic Register for Thomas GARVIN -  Date-1924, Thos GARVIN, age 71, parents-A. GARVIN & Bess KENNEDY, residence Kilfine.  The Civil Death Record reported his death 20 June 1924, Catronrathroe.
   KENNEDY DNA - Again Ancestry.  I have a DNA hit of 35cM’s with a person who also took the Ancestry DNA test.  The only name we share is KENNEDY.  Their oldest known is John C. KENNEDY.  This person has not responded to my emails.  There are others researching John C. KENNEDY and I have corresponded with one who has documentation.  John C. KENNEDY born 1808 Kilfian, Mayo, Ireland and died 26 September 1866 in Scranton, Pennsylvania, US.  His wife Catherine HEALEY (1820-1889) was also from Kilfian.  They emigrated about 1840 as all their nine children were born New York, US.  John C. and Catherine KENNEDY’s tombstone is at St. Mary of Mount Carmel in Scranton, Pennsylvania, US.  The inscription: “In memory of John Kennedy a native of the parish of Kilfine, County Mayo, Ireland who departed this life Sep. 26, 1866  May his soul rest in peace”.  Currently the tombstone has toppled and the inscription cannot be read.
   I believe John C. KENNEDY may be a brother of Bessy KENNEDY GARVIN.

Monday, August 16, 2021

WALSH/GARVIN Family of Cloonaleedin . . . . #22

           Need help to complete this family.  Do you have the information?                                                             


The family of John WALSH (1842-1914) & Bridget GARVIN (1845-1929) consisted of 10 children.   (See Post #3 February 2014)  Three of the sons I have very limited information.  Recently I was able to complete the life cycle of daughter Ellen.

Sons -
1.  Martin WALSH, born 18 April 1871.  He was not with the family in the 1901 or 1911 census.  It has been relayed that he was a policeman in Ireland and was hit in the head and died.  Another note Martin was in the US and drowned in the Hudson River, New York.  

2.  John WALSH, born 25 March 1882.  He was home in Cloonaleedin, age 17, when the 1901 census was taken.  Notes - John was a street car conductor in New York City, US and drowned when a car went over a pier on the water front.

3.  Patrick WALSH, born 10 July 1884.  Patrick, age 15, was home in 1901.  I have no additional notes for him. 

Daughter-                                                                                                                                                                   Ellen WALSH was the fourth child, born 14 November 1873.  Discovering additional information about her has been difficult and elusive.  
   I was told Ellen married a DILLON and his given name was Michael.  Ellen was not with the family in the 1901 and 1911 census.  There was a Thomas DILLON and wife Ellen living in Rathreagh, Mayo in these two census.  No marriage record for this marriage or any Ellen WALSH/DILLON marriage has been discovered in the Civil Records at  In the 1911 census Ellen BARRETT age 9. a visitor, was living with Ellen and Thomas.  I believe she was the daughter of Honor “Onny” GARVIN BARRETT and not with her birth family in this census.  Onny was Ellen WALSH DILLON’s aunt.  
  Ellen DILLON, a widow, died 36 February 1939 at District Hospital in Ballina, Mayo.  Thomas DILLON death is not in the Civil Records.  The death of Thomas DILLON of Rathrea was recorded 3 March 1931 at “Ireland, Select Catholic Death & Burial Records, Kilfian”.  
   Another correspondent told me the Dillons were childless and that two of Anthony J. WALSH children spent some time with them.  Ellen was a sister of Anthony.  In 1911 Ellen stated she had no children.   

Ellen WALSH born 14 November 1873 Cloonaleedin, Kilfian, Mayo, Ireland ;  died 26 February 1939 Ballina, Mayo, Ireland, a widow;   Married ca 1896 County Mayo, Ireland - Thomas DILLON born ca 1860 County Mayo, Ireland;  died 3 March 1931 Rathrea, Kilfian, Mayo, Ireland

Thursday, October 31, 2019

GARVINS of the Kilfian Parish, Mayo . . . . . . . #21

Parish Registrations for GARVIN / GARVAN / GARVEN                                                                                                                                  

The surviving registrations for the Parish of Kilfian are: Baptism 1826-1836, Marriage 1826-1844, Death 1826-1832.  Digital copies of the Catholic Parish Registers can be accessed at National Library of Ireland,, and Find My Past,

The following are in chronological order.  Baptism -first date is birth, the second date is baptism.  Death - first date is death, second date interment.
1826 November 15 MARRIAGE - John GAVAN to Mary McDONNELL of Glendaugh                         Witnesses: Pat REAGAN & Eleanor GARVAN, no kindred
1827 April 15/18  BAPTISM - John GARVAN son of Anthony GARVAN & Mary LAVELLE of Glendaugh    Sponsors:  John GARVAN & Cath GARVAN
1827 August 15/16  BAPTISM - Mary GARVIN daughter of  John GARVIN & Mary McDONNELL of Glendaugh    Sponsors: Pat REAGAN & Mary McDONNELL 
1827 October 7 MARRIAGE - Jane GARVIN to Pat CORCORAN of Glendaugh                                         Witness:   Anthony GARVIN & Eleanor GARVIN                    

1828 June 29/2  BAPTISM - Honor GARVIN daughter of Anthy GARVIN & Bridget MULLOY of Kincon    Sponsor: Mary O’MALLEY

1828 November 27/30 BAPTISM - Francis GARVIN daughter of Thos GARVIN & Mary HOBSON    Sponsors: Mich GARVIN & Catherine GARVIN
1828 December 19/23 BAPTISM - Thos GARVIN son of John GARVIN & Catherine LAVELLE of Glendaugh   Sponsors: Martin WALSH & Mary LAVELLE
1829 February 19/23  BAPTISM - Patk GARVIN son of Jas GARVIN & Barbara McDONNELL of Breafy    Sponsor: Cath HUGHES
1829 November 14/14 BAPTISM - Pat GARVAN son of Pat GARVAN & Honor FARRELL of Kincon    Sponsors: Pat WALSH & Rose FARRELL
1830 January 5/6 BAPTISM - Anthy GARVIN  son of Michl GARVIN & Mary LAVELLE of Glenedagh    Sponsors: Pat MULLOUNEY & Bridget RUDDY
1830 December 13/15 BAPTISM - Pat GARVIN son of Anthony GARVIN & Biddy MALLOY             of Kincon    Sponsors: Pat LANGAN & Bridget KELLY
Why no Garvin events after 1830?  Is the index incomplete?
Garvin couples revealed in the above parish records were: 
Anthony GARVIN & Mary LAVELL
Anthony GARVIN & Bridget/Biddy MULLOY/MALLOY
James Garvin & Barbara McDONNELL
Patrick GARVAN & Honor FARRELL
Thomas GARVIN & Mary HOBSON                                                                                          
What happened to the above couples?   Why were there no additional births after 1830?  The Kilfian Parish Book recorded baptisms until 1836.   

TITHE APPLOTMENT BOOKS, 1823-1837 -                    
Tithe (tax) to be paid to the Church of Ireland.  Persons who had over one acre of agricultural holdings were subject to the tithe.

Kilfian Parish
GARVIN A.  -   Kincon
GARVIN P.   -   Kincon                                                            
The townlands, within the Kilfian Parish, where GARVINS lived during this period were Belladoaan, Glendaugh, Kincon.  
Bridget GARVIN, daughter of Anthony, after her marriage to John WALSH lived in Cloonaleedin. Bridget is my ancestor.

GRIFFITHS VALUATION -                                               
County Mayo, Kilfian Civil Parish - 1856-1857                                         
Cartronrathoe - Anthony Garland                                                                   
Glenedagh - John Garvan & Mary Garvan                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

CIVIL REGISTRATION -                                                                      Mayo, Killala Registration District (Kilfian)                                                                                        There were 11 births, 6 marriages, and 7 deaths recorded 1864-1915 for GARVINS in Kilfian.  These events took place in townlands Cartronrathroe, Glenedagh, and Rathroe. 


IRELAND CENSUS, COUNTY MAYO -                                   1901 - Thomas GARVIN and wife Mary McHALE were in Cartronrathroe, bachelor brothers Thomas & Michael GARVIN were in Glenedagh.  No GARVINS were found in the remaining four town lands named in the above map.

1911 - Thomas GARVIN and family remain in Cartronrathroe.  The bachelor Michael GARVIN is in Glenedagh.  Brother Tom died 1903.                                                                                                                                                                                  

Monday, October 21, 2019

UPDATES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #20


Anthony GARVIN & Bessy __ Family - A recently discovered daughter

Honor “Onny” GARVIN.  She would be the youngest known child of the family.  Onny was born ca 1854, before civil registration, and died 10 December 1920.  Her death record is not yet available online but should be within the next year or two.  She was buried at Kilmurray Cemetery, Mayo. 
                                                      Headstones in North County, Mayo
Kilmurray Cemetery, Mayo

Onny married John BARRETT 26 February 1876 at the Chapel of Kilfina, Mayo.  The witnesses were John BARRETT and Bridget CRAWLEY.  John was from  Parish of Crossmolina and Bridget Cartonrathroe.
irish     Civil Records

They were the parents of nine - Patrick, Catherine, Anthony, James, Maria, Ellen, Ann, John, Michael.  All the children were born in Coolnabinnia, Mayo

  1.  Patrick BARRETT - was born 3 February 1877.  He married Bridget Bruen 16 November 1919 at Church of Enniscrone, County Sligo.  They were the parents of six children which included two set of twins!. 
   2.  Catherine BARRETT - was born 1 November 1878 and married William BROWNE 29 August 1933 at Chapel of Townacran.  They had, at least, 2 daughters.
   3.  Anthony BARRETT - was born 1 December 1880.  Anthony only lived 3 months when he died of quinsy which is an acute inflammation of the soft palate around the tonsils.
   4.  James BARRETT - born 15 February 1883.  James never married and died 19 March 1958 in Lonagh, County Leitrim.  He was a policeman in South Africa.
   5.  Maria “Moira” BARRETT - birth 1 February 1887.  She married Edward BIRRANE 16 March 1919 in Crossmolina, Mayo.  Their family consisted of 4 known children.
   6.  Ellen BARRETT - born 15 May 1889 and married a KEOHAN/McKEON.  They had 4 children.  Ellen died 2 December 1959 in Kilclare, Leitrim.
   7.  Ann BARRETT - born 10 February 1892 and married Joseph MURPHY 5 May 1926 in Dublin.  Parents of five.
   8.  John BARRETT - born 10 January 1896 and died 1977.  John married Agnes surname unknown who died in 1976.  He and Agnes are buried at Kilmurray Cemetery, Mayo.  Parents of, at least, one daughter.
   9.  Michael BARRETT - born 10 October 1896.  He married Bridget BROWN 2 November 1834 Ballina, Mayo.  They had at least 2 children.

Francis GARVIN -

I have alway thought Francis GARVIN could possibly be the father of Anthony GARVIN.  The Kilfian Parish records, available online at National Library of Ireland and Find My Past, recorded the death of Francis Garvin 15 December 1827.  He was a resident of Cloonatafinna at the time of his death.  Finding where Cloonatafinna was has been difficult.  I recently discovered Cloonatafinna was a village in the townland of Belladoan.  Belladoan is adjacent to Cartronrathroe.  Anthony GARVIN died in Cartonrathroe
      Date of Death /Date of internment          A Registery of Mortuari Commencing Oct. 1826  
                                                                       By Rev. Mich' Conway in the Parish of Kilfian                            
County Mayo, Kilfian Parish, page 76
          1867 Dec 15/17 
Francis Garvin Cloontafinne age 56 years dead by suffocation                                   

My Quest to discover what happened after immigration

Bridget #3 was the daughter of Michael WALSH & Bridget BRESLANE of Carrowkeel, Mayo, Ireland.  She was born 17 March 1890. 

irish     Civil Records

In 1909 at age 18 she immigrated to Ellis Island, New York USA with cousin Bridget Walsh #1.  The young women were released to Bridget #3 sister Catherine WALSH.  Bridget #3 was to join Aunt Mrs. ROUSE of 5 East 88th St, N.Y.C., U.S.

1910 U.S. Census New York City, New York
Bridget #3 was a kitchen maid, assisting Mary ROOKER (ROUSE) the cook in the household of Rev. George W. Douglas a clergyman in Tuxedo, New York.  Included in this household were maids Mary RYAN and Agnes CAFFEY. 

1915 New York State Census Tuxedo, New York
Bridget WALSH, Mary ROUSE, Mary RYAN & Agnes CAFFEY continued working in the Douglas household.  There were 7 other servants in this household ranging from chauffeur, butler, house maid, parlor maid, ladies maid, cook, kitchen maid

1920 U.S. Census New York City, Manhattan  East 88th Street
Bridget WALSH, age 26 kitchen maid, still with the Douglas family as was Mary ROUSE, Mary RYAN, Agnes CAFFEY

1925 New York State Census. Tuxedo
Bridget #3 not in Douglas household but Mary ROUSE cook, age 58, still with Douglas family

        WHO IS MARY ROUSE?  How is she related to the WALSH family?

1930 Census
Rev. George Douglas died in 1926.  Cannot find Bridget WALSH or Mary ROUSE.   Mary RYAN, & Agnes CAFFEY are now servants with another family on Park Avenue, New York City, New York.

2019 - Correspondence with DNA WALSH match on MyHeritage who father was Bridget #3 brother.  Quoted from my DNA cousin “Bridget returned to Ireland in the 1930’s and married Patrick McAndrew.   She had saved her money working in American and was thus independent when she returned to Ireland.  Patrick and Bridget lived a very happy life in a lovely house he built on the outskirts of Ballina. The Irish girls working for the Douglas household were paid $7 a week and Mary Rouse doled out $1 to each girl and put the balance into accounts at the Emigrant Savings Bank for them".  I have checked the Emigrant Savings Bank online.  The records available are 1850-1883 therefore of no value in locating information for the young women who worked at the Douglas household.

Patrick McANDREW married Bridget WALSH 16 June 1933 at the Cathedral of Ballina.
                                                                               Civil Records
I wondered when Bridget & Patrick died and if they had headstones in a Mayo cemetery.  The cemeteries in north-east Mayo have been photographed & indexed per cemetery.  There are 3 in the Ballina area.  In the first one checked, their stone was found.  Bridget and Pat are buried Leigue Cemetery, Ballina, Mayo Ireland.  I was so happy to know Bridget led a contented life..  May she not be forgotten.
                                                                 Headstones in North County, Mayo
Leigue Cemetery, Ballina, Mayo

The Hunt Continues -
Bridget #2  -  Still looking to discover this Bridget, daughter of Anthony WALSH and Bridget FLATHERY, or any relatives/descendants.  Bridget immigrated in 1897 with Ann DONNELLY.  I discovered several of Bridget's siblings who lived in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.  

Bridget's brother John WALSH died 4 March 1940 Pittsburg, Pennsylvania and buried at St. Mary Cemetery, Pittsburg.  He immigrated in 1907 and never married.  His brother-in-law James TUNNEY was the informant for John’s death certificate.  James' named John’s parents as Anthony WALSH and Bridget FLAHERTY of Ireland.

Sister Agnes WALSH was born ca 1881, died 2 March 1965 in Pittsburg.  Agnes married James TUNNEY 10 April 1902.  Their daughter, Gertrude, was the informant on the death certificate and only reported that Agnes father surname was Walsh.  Agnes was buried at St. Mary Cemetery.  I have not located a birth registration for Agnes in Ireland.  There is some who think Agnes may be Bridget who changed her given name after arriving in the U.S.  In several census Agnes stated she immigrated 1897 and 1898.  In checking the Ellis Island site, I could not find any Agnes WALSH age 18/19, from Mayo during those years.

Brother Patrick WALSH died 29 January 1932 in Pittsburg.  His wife Mary SHANEFELTER WALSH was the informant for his death certificate.  She named his parents as Anthony WALSH and Bridget FLAHERTY of Ireland.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Recent Walsh DNA Results/Discoveries . . . . . . #19

My Heritage, an online genealogy program, offered free download of DNA data to their large database.  I submitted my data and within a week received results from this company,  My hope was they have people interested in family research/history that are not in Ancestry or FamilyTree databases.
There were four hits and one was a Walsh in Mayo, Michael WALSH (1901-1978).  My research had discovered Michael’s parents were Michael WALSH (ca 1860- ) & Bridget BRESLANE  (1863-1926) of Carrowkeel, Mayo.  Michael 1860 is first cousin of Thomas WALSH (1867-1953).  Michael’s son John Joseph WALSH (1894-1978) wrote a poem for the adult children of Thomas when he died in 1953.  I have been looking for this John J. WALSH for years.  The poem is on post #7 of this blog.

With the information gained from the DNA, Ancestry trees were searched.  A find was made to a tree which included the Michael WALSH 1860.  Now it will be possible to update post # 3 and the family of Michael and his wife Bridget BRESLANE.  Most of the children of this family immigrated to New York state, U.S. which was not known.  This tree has documentation from Ancestry’s databases some I did not have.  Emails have been sent to the submitters at My Heritage and Ancestry so we can collaborate on our knowledge of the families.