Saturday, April 19, 2014

Thomas Walsh 1869-1953 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #7

THOMAS WALSH  1869 - 1953

son of John WALSH and Bridget GARVIN


The following was written by Tom’s cousin John J. Walsh* and given to Kathleen Walsh Lincoln in 1953.



His name was Thomas Walsh,
A member of a famous Irish clan,
And he left his home in Leedian,                       Cloonaleedin, townland where Thomas was born
Not far from Ballinglen.                                      A river near Ballycastle, County Mayo

He was like all the Irish,
Persecuted by the British Crown,
They grabbed their land and cattle too,
And kept the natives down.

He left his home in Kilfian,                               The local parish, both religious & civil
Not far from Old Tonroe,                                  Tonroe - townland in an adjacent parish
And he sailed away from Ireland,
And the County of Mayo.

He sailed from Cork in Munster,                     Munster one of four Ireland provinces.  Mayo is in
With a friend named Pat McHale                        Connacht, their function now is historical   
And they landed in the Isle of Ellis,       
Far away from Granuaile.                                Irish Pirate Queen born County Mayo, contemporary of
                                                                            Queen Elizabeth I
Tom went to work in a navy yard,
Way down in Newport News, Virginia.
And he did his work so skillfully,
He soon got a increase in pay.

From Newport News, Tom went to Frostburg,
And thence to the University of Morgantown.
He studied mining in all its scopes,
And won a certificate of renown.

He worked the mines of both Virginias,
He installed many safety devices therein.
As he was trained to measure gas and air,
It was for the safety of the men.

And with this wondrous knowledge
Of the canyons in the ground,
It was said of the safety measures he installed,
No better could be found.

After many years of mining,
Over thirty years or more.
Tom decided to come up for air.
And he opened a grocery store.

He served his friends and neighbors,
With brands that were the best.
He felt at ease in doing so
And felt happy for the rest.

He had a very fine family.
That took pride in what he had done,
And they miss him now above all,
At the setting of his sun.

Now Tom has gone to his reward,
And he is looking down with pride.
On the safety measures he installed
Without which many would have died.

John J. WALSH -  Kate Walsh Lincoln referred to him as cousin of her father.  John lived in Astoria, New York, USA.  Kate did say he had five sons and one daughter.  She did not elaborate the relationship.   I attempted to contact John or his family in the 1980’s at a address furnished by Aunt Kate.  My letters were returned unopened. 

Is anyone in contact with the family of John WALSH?  He would be the grandson of Martin WALSH.